BPC 157

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5mg | Sterlie Water 2mlx3 

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IGF-1 is polypeptide long-chain amino acid peptide hormone. Insulin-like Growth Factor (Long-R3 IGF-1), an 83 amino acid analog of IGF-1 is a highly anabolic hormone released primarily in the liver with the stimulus of growth hormone (HGH).

IGF-1 is a peptide molecule and is about the same size and structure as insulin. IGF hormone analogs are known as growth factor polypeptide hormones. In the body, IGF-1 is released in the presence of Human Growth Hormone and functions to promote nitrogen retention and increases in protein synthesis. Growth peptides cause a direct effect on muscles in the body by actual development of fresh muscle fibers and cells.

Many believe in the value of using IGF to promote muscle building. It is thought that it anything it does not cause the loss of muscle. It is often used in addition to other therapy by bodybuilders to enhance exercise potential and improve physique.



What Is BPC-157?

First things first, we’ll be addressing the elephant in the room, which is the question – what is BPC-157?

BPC-157, which stands for Body Protection Compound 157, is a peptide chain that consists of 15 amino acids. Since such a sequence doesn’t exist in nature, the compound is considered synthetic. However, it is based on a protective compound that is present in the human stomach.

Numerous studies and lab research experiments conducted on rodents have shown that BPC-157 can have a variety of therapeutic and physical effects.

BPC-157 works by triggering the formation of new blood vessels, a process that is called angiogenesis. Such activity promotes healing and induces faster regeneration of cells. It also works by blocking or preventing the growth-inhibiting effects of a molecule named 4-hydroxynonenal. So, when you buy BPC-157, it will stimulate the tendon cells to make even more receptors for the growth molecules, which will, in turn, induce them to grow and move during injury repair.

What Are The Benefits of BPC-157?

Now, I’m sure you must be wondering, why you should buy BPC 157 injection, right?

Well, here’s a list of the various benefits BPC-157 can have on your body.

Lower intestinal damage like fistulas and inflammation

Cure and heal stomach ulcers
Improve wound healing
Increase cellular regeneration
Boost bone and joint healing
Heal organ damage
Reduce muscle wastage
Promote growth and muscular development through angiogenesis
Influence neurotransmitter activities and help cure mental health issues
Lower blood pressure
Reduce side-effects of high potassium levels
However, before you buy BPC-157 online or elsewhere, it is important to remember that this substance is still under research and studies. Experiments with animals are still underway, so the multiple mechanisms of BPC-157 will still require further studying. Human trials and more research is required before we can positively conclude about the effects of BPC-157.

What Are The Side-Effects of BPC-157?
Although studies conducted with BPC 157 on humans showed that there were no severe adverse or negative effects of the compound, there is the possibility that upon the usage you may face common side effects that tend to arise as a result of peptide consumption.
The common side-effects of peptides include:

Fatigue and tiredness
Nausea and vomiting
Possibility of liver and kidney toxicity
Hot flashes (feeling hot and cold)
Changes in blood pressure
Possibility of heart complications (stroke, abnormal heart rhythms)
Such substances can be highly toxic to fetuses so pregnant individuals shouldn’t be using BPC-157 or any such peptide.

You may also be at risk of experiencing side-effects if you suffer from preexisting medical conditions, or if you are consuming certain kinds of medication. So make sure to speak to your doctor or a licensed medical professional before you buy a BPC injection, buy BPC 157 5mg vials, or anything similar.





Bonny Plunkette - Jan 22, 2018

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Bonny Plunkette - Jan 22, 2018

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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